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The Magi Society is pleased to announce that we have introduced improvements to our monthly Best and Worst Astrological Days Calendars.


Beginning in September 2024, our members will be able to have access to an extra month of this very valuable data.


More importantly, the criteria we will use for determining if a day is astrologically good or bad is being changed so that the data is more valuable to more of our fans.


In the past, especially during the last two months (July and August of 2024), there has been a very strong correlation between the US stock market and our best and worst astrological days – in other words US stocks went up during the days we predicted would be good astrological days, and US stocks went down during the days we predicted would be bad astrological days.


During July and August, this was the case over 85% of the time.


The reason for this is that especially for the July and August data, the Magi Society placed a lot of weight on the financial aspects of each day – this makes eminent sense because our Best and Worst Days were meant to help you make good Natalizations and you cannot have a successful natalization if you go broke. For the 17 categories for which we chose good and bad days, success for 13 of the 17 depended on making money – for example it is not possible to have a successful marriage if the marriage is always in poverty.


But most of our new fans who come to our site do not understand what “natalizations” are and these fans are much more interested in knowing if a day is going to be filled with land mines (star crossed) as opposed to a day that will be happy, smiley, sunny in mood, and maybe filled with potential good and opportunity.


For this reason, WE HAVE CHANGED THE PURPOSE of our Best and Worst Astrological Days column, and we are now providing you with the Magi Society’s opinions as to which days each month are the most star crossed, unlucky and filled with land mines, and which days each month are the friendliest, hopeful, sunny in mood and most filled with opportunity.


The contrast between whether a day is good or bad can be summed up as land mine days versus friendly days. Problems are much more likely to arise during land mine days and you should not natalize anything important during such days.


Good things are much more likely to come during friendly days and such days are much more likely to provide you with help from Angels. You are much more likely to meet someone new that will help you. And if you are with other people, you will all enjoy yourselves more. Memorable moments are much more likely to happen. If you know a day is a land mine day, you can avoid land mines by being super careful and vigilant, and taking no risks.


We will explain more each time we make a monthly posting.


Here now are the best and worst astrological days for October 2024

Friendly Days - October 7, 14, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27

Land Mine Days - October 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31


Our MagicalOracle Mobile Web App is the easiest way to know what kind of transits you have on any day and time, and you can check it anywhere in the world at any time by using your IPhone or Android, PC computer, or tablet.

A great thing about the way the Divine Astrological System is that no matter how bad the stars get, when you know about bad stars ahead of time, things are not as bad because you are not caught off guard.  And if you make sure you do not natalize important matters on bad days or during your bad transits, you will always make good progress in your life.

Be sure to make important natalizations only when the daily stars are good and your personal transits are also good; this will help you to succeed. You can read more about natalizations by clicking here.

This site was previously known as the

Love & Money Calendar™



We chose the above dates based on the Planetary Geometry of each day in the month .  We explain how to do this in our third book. We also made some groundbreaking discoveries about astrology and revealed them in our third book, Magi Astrology: the Key to Success in Love and Money. The book is over 400 pages (you may download for free the first 300 pages by clicking here)..


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